Wednesday 23 April 2008

Many thanks for all the positive and 'couldn't agree more about the NHS' comments from people. No thanks at all for the 'anonymous' comment from a clearly defensive and chippy NHS employee for the 'this is a boring rant' message. I tell you its really boring dealing with you and your pathetically inadequate colleagues.

Received a letter from A&E dept ....lots of 'sorries' and ' the care was deemed correct' by a consultant who never saw me, the letter relied heavily on her input, due it appears to me, because they could not get comments from the two wholly useless locum doctors who saw me in the A&E dept during two consecutive visits. No offers of 'how can we put this right?', just 4 pages of bland excuses.

Still no word from the surgeon or his staff. Case notes been handed over to hospital manager to see if she can make them pull their finger out.

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Still no word from the hospital apart from the odd courtesy call from the patient liaison staff to tell me they have asked the doctors to contact me. Apparently Mr Allibone is not responding to faxes, emails, phone calls or letters sent to him from senior staff within the hospital.
This hospital are sending me a letter, it hasn't arrived yet, responding to complaints I have not myself made. The complaints were sent to the complaints dept from people in the A&E dept who were asked to answer questions about my treatment when I went in on two occasions in early February. How can they answer complaints I have not made yet. Unless they are writing to offer compensation, which would be the decent and honourable thing to do, but of course they wont, they will wait until they're all taken to court to answer this monumental catalogue of neglect. By far the worse culprit is my own G.P, who throughout this saga has made no effort to smooth my path through to treatment, not one phone call to ask how I am, not to find out if my use of Diazepam is going o.k, he's shown no interest whatsoever apart from to sulk and attempt to intimidate me when PALS, (Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) contacted him. He of course does some work in the A&E dept when the surgery is closed, which incidentally is most of the time.
The great thing about writing the blog is the emails I get from people around the WORLD who are horrified at the way the hospital functions, if it can be called functioning.

Monday 14 April 2008

Ever greater heights of neglect.

I take it all back, the doctors at UCHL are not doing all they can to get my injuries sorted. Far from it, they appear to be doing nothing at all. Dr Penn, Dr Morris et al , the team who arrived at my bedside to tell me they were doing all they can to prioritize my treatment have done precisely nothing since they uttered those words. I have made repeated phone calls, over several weeks,to the hospital to get some idea as to what they are doing and have had no response at all. The PALS people don't get much further either despite their repeated intervention. This hospital is highly inefficient, the staff seem a law unto themselves and they care not a jot for their patients.
Dozens of them know how negligent they have been and yet they still do nothing to try and put right the damage. NOTHING!
Every department has been useless from the disatrous A&E , the rheumatology people under Professor Ehrenstein; who needs to get his head out of his study books and find out whats happening to his patients, that is what he's paid for and not least those mean characters employed on the ward.
They know they will be sued and their attitude is one of 'its not our money that's paid out and we don't lose our jobs, so who cares'.
The hospital seem incapable of admitting fault or a breakdown in systems which their clearly is. The communication between hospital and patient is non existent.
They might want to take a look at the way Dr Lee over in The National works and keeps notes, meticulous and thorough. None of the excuses that one doctors secretary gave me ...' it's the NHS, we don't log every phone call made or take any notes about enquiries'. Dr Lee's team note down details of every phone call made about ongoing treatment, I've seen them in my file.
This was the same secretary who always asks, 'Private or NHS?'...because we know it makes a difference even if they are using NHS property and resources to carry out their work.

Monday 7 April 2008

does Mr Allibone exist??
after the gestapo team arrived on the 18/03/08, i was told.....'Dr Penn has faxed a letter to Mr Allibone........who will be asked to see you as a priority'......not a peep out of any of them since that date. today is the 7/08/08...what kind of priority did they have in mind??