Still no word from the hospital apart from the odd courtesy call from the patient liaison staff to tell me they have asked the doctors to contact me. Apparently Mr Allibone is not responding to faxes, emails, phone calls or letters sent to him from senior staff within the hospital.
This hospital are sending me a letter, it hasn't arrived yet, responding to complaints I have not myself made. The complaints were sent to the complaints dept from people in the A&E dept who were asked to answer questions about my treatment when I went in on two occasions in early February. How can they answer complaints I have not made yet. Unless they are writing to offer compensation, which would be the decent and honourable thing to do, but of course they wont, they will wait until they're all taken to court to answer this monumental catalogue of neglect. By far the worse culprit is my own G.P, who throughout this saga has made no effort to smooth my path through to treatment, not one phone call to ask how I am, not to find out if my use of Diazepam is going o.k, he's shown no interest whatsoever apart from to sulk and attempt to intimidate me when PALS, (Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) contacted him. He of course does some work in the A&E dept when the surgery is closed, which incidentally is most of the time.
The great thing about writing the blog is the emails I get from people around the WORLD who are horrified at the way the hospital functions, if it can be called functioning.