Sunday, 16 March 2008

cold Comfort

"tea or coffee?"
" u have hot chocolate?".......polystyrene cup of mud arrives. brown powder with water.
"is it possible to have a biscuit?"
"no....only in the afternoon".
the glee when the nurse/nursing assistant is able to the only time one sees a hint of a smile.
they simply do not want to do any act of kindness.
we live in plays a big part in the happiness and health of human beings.
bring back the volunteers who came round with a tea trolley and a smile.......give a choice of teas, ( we don't all like builders brew), get some filtered proud of giving ur patients the best not the worst available....look at where you waste money and spend it in areas that will make patients well again not worse. at the moment a stay in hospital is like a stay in a 18th century workhouse. not that the words 'please sir may i have some more',would ever be heard in UCH at the moment where the food and drinks are concerned.

dinner is served at 5.00p.m
breakfast....if u can call it 8.00a.m
that is some 15 hrs between a custard cream (yup thats the choice) in the evening is not exactly asking for a take out from the wolseley ....(