Monday, 17 March 2008

notes on a SCANdal

i picked up the notes on my hospital stay today, the same notes that a nurse had left on the next door patients bed and which i heard her tell the patient off 4 reading. he had read them because whilst reading them he called out my name which hitherto he hadn't known.
reading the notes today was a horrifying experience. questions i had not been asked, were recorded with 'patient refused to answer'. No explanation so far as to why they wrote that...because they can't explain it. It's a lie and they know it....they were too lazy to ask.
a question about mobility with scores 0-5.....i scored a 0....for fully mobile. i was wheeled into the ward 2 days earlier because i have been largely bed bound for nearly 6 weeks....are they serious?????
i'm still waiting for water an hour after the morning painkillers were handed to me.

b'fast.....cold white toast, i asked 4 brown bread. hot chocolate arr cold and made with water.
cornflakes with cold milk, came with warm milk. the woman who served it is a mean, nasty spiteful piece of work who shouldn't be allowed to serve pigs in a farm their daily swill.
a senior nurse arrived today (defensive and not a trace of a smile or kindness) however....she speaks!.....water was fetched and pillow arrived within secs of asking. something the gang of african/caribbean staff had failed to do all weekend.