a team of dr's appeared in front of me today...curtains closed........and one leading consultant neuro specialist/surgeon. it appears there are rumours circulating that i am writing a blog about my experience at the hands of the NHS staff at UCH. gestapo like ( or good cop, bad cop scene) i was told that the hospital were doing all they could.....to get me dealt with....and that i was causing anguish amongst the staff who feared they were being named and shamed on a blog i was rumoured to be writing. well if they'd nothing to be ashamed of what were they worried about??? oh yes....they'd forgotten how to do the job of caring for people....without surly faces and a bad attitude. but of course the nice, decent, hardworking staff have no fear........i know who u are and so do the other patients.
the doctors i have seen are efficient and as far as it goes......keen to help me get back on my feet and to a normal life.
i was never angry with the ward staff here in UCH, it was always the A&E dept that were at fault for causing me nearly 6 weeks of miserable, almost entirely bed bound, pain. they were the doctors who ignored my immense pain and inability to walk and sent me home in the middle of the night with no painkillers despite being taken to them 2 hrs earlier in desperate pain and with the need of gas and air all the way to get me through the excruciatingly painful journey. wait and see what the cctv footage from camden and westminster show of me attempting to struggle back home. those doctors simply turned thjeir backs knowing i was unable to walk. i have a letter which will be scanned to this site from a leading hsp consultant stating this. its damning in its own right.
again the next day at home i collapsed with pain...a paramedic attended and i was given more gas and air...and 2 doses of morphine...an ambulance was sent for again....the doc prescribed the very strongest possible muscle relaxant to settle the spasm...but i was again sent home with some painkillers and a set of crutches, despite the protestations of a neighbour. "i fell into a loop hole of non medical nor orphapeadic issues"....so was sent crawling out the hospital again.
2 weeks later...stated i should have been seen by the on duty neurology doc and admitted. 2.5 weeks later the doctor wrote a letter and the opening line was.....'this man is in a bad way'.....did any doctor incl my G.P care.....not a jot. i had to fight to be seen..make nearly a hundred phone calls to get any help...all from my bed and with the help of a cocktail of painkillers.
and they wonder why...i'm unhappy with my treatment.