It's been more than a week since I left the UCH.
Not a lot has happened in terms of mobility improvement, it's very slow that's for sure.
I've attempted a couple of journeys to get food....and one to the physio...but all are like major events and draining.
Difficult system we have where somebody is discharged in this way and little if anything is done in terms of aftercare. Your G.P will follow up I was told. I was given a cocktail of painkillers , muscle relaxants, anti-imflammatories etc and all of different amounts. So the muscle relaxants have run out, yet i have differing amounts of the other drugs.
Major problem had/has been my G.P not being at all pro-active in my care or treatment at all. He has never, in the weeks I have been immobile, been to see me or called to see how he could help once, despite knowing the situation. Even the intervention of Westminster PALS team had no effect.
Thus calling his surgery for help is a really stressful the point of being off putting.
Incidentally, one of the gang of docs, who arrived at my beside last week to attempt a reading of the riot act, was entirely supportive of the G.P because she knew him personally and suggested 'I write him a note, saying sorry, I'll be good boy' and all would be mended between us. I admire her loyalty to a colleague (do I??) but jeez!, by any standards that was a patronizing solution to a fraught situation. Also it showed once again that the solution had to be on their terms not necessarily for the benefit of the patient.
I will need support I'm told by Westminster people y'day with being weaned off diazepam.......who's going to do that??
I have 10 drugs to manage ......per day......pretty strong stuff some of it...yet not helped one jot with managing who replenishes the ones that run out and i still need...hsp or G.P...who gets them to me.....I can barely get out.